Innovators welcome.
We constantly find ourselves talking to cool companies that are making game-changing solar panels and batteries.
These companies are finding ways to make electricity available everywhere that energy can be captured.
Uplift shares their vision, but power electronics available today just don’t fit their needs. We created our power electronics to enable exciting innovations in energy that take power to new environments and use cases.
We understand the pain points when it comes to enhancing energy to make it a power system that can be commercialized. We are certain we can help solve them:

Electrical compatibility
Too many times we hear that off-the-shelf options don’t handle high enough current or low enough voltage, or that one unit is insufficient but multiples are not cost-efficient. Innovators might even assume (incorrectly) that they have to design their device around the voltage, current and power limits of the off-the-shelf product available to them.

Physical compatibility
Many energy innovations require entirely new approaches to installation, or have no permanent installation at all. Existing power electronics have thickness, weight, length, and width that fits only certain types of solar systems and an assumed physical space or environment. They are awkward for solar systems that have no logical or safe place for the extra part.

Power optimization
For some power systems, the number one value is the number of watts. Steep installation angles, unusual placement, or aesthetic of the innovation may compromise the full efficiency of the solar panel.

Lost opportunity due to partial shading
Certain rooftops and solar use cases such as mobile or portable PV may not always avoid partial shading. Shade affects more than just the shaded panel, possibly compromising voltage output and power from the entire array. Attempts to avoid shade undermine flexibility in panel placement that may be needed to work around nearby landscape features.

Bypass diodes are not an option
Solar is advancing towards new chemistries with promise of greater efficiencies. Some of these chemistries, like perovskites, are more sensitive than silicon cells to the effects of current caused by diode operations.

Installation requires training and know-how
Solar is reaching new horizons where people with the need and do-it-yourself spirit will set up their own solar system. That’s not possible when installations require many components that must be electrically compatible with each other for the system to work. Solar must be user-friendly, plug and play so that anyone, without special knowledge, can deploy and turn it on.

Solar panels and racking have been demonstrated to last decades, but most power electronics require replacement after 10-15 years. Power electronics can be susceptible to the elements and lose function due to heat, humidity, or other ambient factors that cause corrosion and degradation, and replacing hard-to-reach electronics is an expensive and disruptive nuisance.

Power electronics for different applications and functions within the power system rely on different communications protocols. The electronics need to be able to handle power line, short-range, wireless to the cloud, and satellite protocols.

Edge computing and block chain
Energy innovations are following other fast-moving technology innovations such as home energy management systems and those enabling smart cities. In that ecosystem, power supply enhances its value by digital interoperability and contributing to the enormous demand for computations needed to drive distributed intelligence upward.

High customization
Your energy resource – solar or battery – may be unique and complicated enough that you need a complex custom operating system. Integrating your power system in a way that helps you scale your manufacturing and production requires the right power electronics backed by the right engineering team.